Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Loch Ness Monster vs. the TARDIS

I am trying so hard to keep up with these blogs, but between all the insane amount of traveling I have been doing lately, and the weak wifi signals I am on, it just seems to be taking me forever to do one blog.  So I am combining two in one: Inverness and Glasgow.  Considering I only spent a full day in each city, I think it will work out.

Okay, so Inverness!  I arrived a bit earlier than planned, so I walked down towards the river and had a seat on a bench.  There were many people out walking along the river banks.  A limo of woo girls even drove by!  Hanging out the window, woo-ing....It's nice to see that no matter where you are in the world, we are not that different.  

Inverness, Scotland, River Ness
River ness

River Ness

Inverness, Scotland, River Ness, Ness Bridge

As you can see, the weather up there was incredible!  I welcomed the cooler weather.  Inverness is a more peaceful city, not the hustle and bustle I saw in Edinburgh and London.  I have been on the go for so long now that I wanted a nice, relaxing time here.  I booked myself a 3 hour boat tour on Loch Ness.  A three hour tour....(I unfortunately sang the Gilligan's Island theme song the entire time)  It was a bright and sunny day, so after a sunblock bath, I headed down to catch the boat.  It was about a 20 minute walk from where I was staying, but it was a nice walk.  All the houses here are made of stone and look like small cape houses.

So, after my 20 minute stroll through the streets of Inverness, I finally made it to the boat.  I was able to book my ticket ahead of time online, which was good because it was a full boat that day!

Jacobite Queen, Loch Ness Tour, Inverness, Scotland

It was time to board for the three hour tour....

The waters of Loch Ness are black.  You cannot see anything underneath the surface, and that makes all the stories and legends more ominous.  We started out going down the Caledonian Canal, which connect the Scottish east coast to the west coast.

Dochgarroch Lock, Inverness, Scotland, Loch Ness

Once we were through the canal, we entered Loch Ness.  Now, I know the Loch Ness monster is most likely a hoax.  But with its murky, deep waters, it would be hard to refute it.  Maybe she does exist.  How would you know when you cannot see?  Anyways, I was still enjoying myself.  It was a gorgeous day and the lake was calm.  I was admiring the beautiful highland scenery, when all of the sudden I see it!  It had a red and black outer skin, strange markings on it's upper body, and smoke coming from it's mouth!  And boy was it loud!  I couldn't believe my eyes!  It was the Loch Ness Monst....oh no.  Wait.  Nope, sorry!  My bad....That was just the obnoxious man sitting next to me!  The tattooed man wearing a red and black checked shirt smoking a nasty smelling cigarette and drinking.  (Another one who will be receiving my How to be the Perfect Tourist guidebook)  Luckily, because I didn't want to tell him how rude he was being, the girl behind me spoke up and yelled at him.  She was, after all, a fellow European.  She could do that.  Me being American, I kept my mouth shut.  But, on with the tour!

Inverness, Scotland

Loch Ness, Inverness, Scotland, Highlands

Loch Ness, Inverness, Scotland, Highlands

Loch Ness, Inverness, Scotland, Highlands
Urquhart Castle

Loch Ness, Inverness, Scotland, Highlands

This was some of the most stunning scenery I have ever seen.  The pictures have nothing on the real thing.  This is one of those places where you really need to be there to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.  Vast, never-ending forests of native pine as far as the eye can see.  Everything about this region of Scotland is breathtaking.

As we started our journey back, the winds picked up and the water became a little rougher.  Good thing I had brought my fleece with me!

Loch ness, Inverness, Scotland, Highlands

After my tour, I walked into the city center in search of food and found a nice little cafe.  And they had cranberry juice!  I talked to a lady who seemed a bit strange, but very nice all the same.  That's the thing I love most about this country.  The people are so nice!

The next morning I packed my bags and headed back down south to Glasgow.  Now, before each trip I take, I make sure to study a map so I know where to go once I get there.  I also look up the closest train station, and plan from there.  So when I went to go buy my ticket for Glasgow Central, the lady told me that the trains do not go there.  Um, yes they do.  I just looked it up online.  So I had to buy a ticket, going into a station, that I had no clue as to where it was in relation to my hostel.  

All started out well.  I got a nice, spacious seat, stored my luggage away, and settled in.  Why couldn't my transfer train be as good as the first?  Well, for starters, there were way to many people on the train.  And it only consisted of maybe 2 carriages!  Plus, everyone had luggage.  I saw a mother having to be separated from her children.  It was ridiculous.  After trying to sort myself out, I just gave up.  A nice gentleman told me I can store my luggage with his bike, and a young girl gave me her seat and went to sit with her mother.  Very sweet!  It was the seat by the bathroom, but it was a seat!  I have never been on such a cramped train before.  It was like riding on the subway!

So, then I arrive in Glasgow....somewhere.  I had no idea where I was.  This was not the station I wanted to be at.  I looked at a map, and thankfully I was close to where I needed to be.  So, about 25 minutes later of dragging myself through the streets of Glasgow, I find my hostel.  It's a large building, maybe 10 floors total.  This is where my luck seems to be changing for the day.  Check-in was easy.  I was on the 7th floor, but there were elevators, or lifts as they are called over here.  I get to my room, and find out I have been given a larger room with it's own bathroom!  I have never been more happy to see a private shower!  And I have a lovely view of the city and the river.  And a TV.  Sadly, it rained pretty much my entire stay here.  But it didn't stop me from going out for at least a few hours to explore the area I was in.  

View from my room

Then, my inner geek had an ultimate geek out moment.

Glasgow, Scotland, Police Box

I have really enjoyed myself here in Scotland.  I wish I had given myself more time to explore this wonderful country more.  I love the history and the culture.  And the people here are not afraid to boast about it, either.  I found Scotland to be the one country I didn't know I always wanted to visit.  And I hope to be back to continue to explore this wonderful region of the world.

So, until next time, folks!  I am off to Liverpool tomorrow for a quick stay before making my way over to Ireland for the last leg of my journey.

P.S.  This blog took about 6 hours to complete....just so you know what I am working with, here.   

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